I am always behind. Because that's what happens to Mommies.
Damon, you're already 10 months old.
Ten months, 1 week, and 4 days, actually.
And you are LOVE.
Still my easy-going, ray of sunshine. Bless your sweet heart!
You are so cute, I couldn't only choose a couple of photos... so here are some little bits and pieces I want to remember about you at this age... and a lot of "you're-so-cute-I-want-to-kiss-your-cheeks-off" shots. I couldn't resist!
You LOVE the bath. The second you hear the water running, you almost FLY into the bathroom, pull yourself up to the edge of the tub, and shriek in anticipation while you bounce up and down.
You also, for reasons unknown, must have a foamie letter in your mouth at (almost) all times while bathing. Every time... I don't know.

You are eating about 4 meals of solid food a day.

Of big-boy food.

Your favorites? Broccoli, cottage cheese, string cheese, cheerios, shaved turkey, yogurt, macaroni and cheese, crackers, graham crackers, cream of wheat, and oatmeal.

I am getting a little nervous though...

... you still barely take a sippy cup. Not enough to get any nutrients from. Ugh. And I'm going to try to wean you in a month and a half. But I won't think about that.

You are so squishy. Your cheeks are squishy. Your tummy is squishy. Your thighs are delightful, and your bum is perfectly pinchable. Your are solid. I love it. It's so much fun to kiss a squishy cherub. And an added bonus? My biceps are HUGE!

You are in love with your Daddy. Dom has been more of a Mama's boy. You? You like your Dad. Lately you've been lunging for him out of my arms.

You think your big brother is the funniest person in the world. I can't make you giggle the way Dominic can. And he doesn't even try. You giggle at him as soon as he walks into the room.
You are eating about 4 meals of solid food a day.
Of big-boy food.
Your favorites? Broccoli, cottage cheese, string cheese, cheerios, shaved turkey, yogurt, macaroni and cheese, crackers, graham crackers, cream of wheat, and oatmeal.
I am getting a little nervous though...
... you still barely take a sippy cup. Not enough to get any nutrients from. Ugh. And I'm going to try to wean you in a month and a half. But I won't think about that.
You are so squishy. Your cheeks are squishy. Your tummy is squishy. Your thighs are delightful, and your bum is perfectly pinchable. Your are solid. I love it. It's so much fun to kiss a squishy cherub. And an added bonus? My biceps are HUGE!
You are in love with your Daddy. Dom has been more of a Mama's boy. You? You like your Dad. Lately you've been lunging for him out of my arms.
You think your big brother is the funniest person in the world. I can't make you giggle the way Dominic can. And he doesn't even try. You giggle at him as soon as he walks into the room.
You want to play with everything he plays with... while he's playing with it. This is frustrating for him. I can just see the battle wounds of the future now. Hopefully you'll learn to hold your own.

You could spend all afternoon in your baby swing that we just hung from the tree in the front yard... and you love to go on bike rides with Mommy and Dom on Mommy's bike... you even know how to ring the bell. (Sometimes you almost make me crash. The bell is attached to the handlebars, and that's a problem when you really get-a-ringin'. Aaaannnd you hate to wear your helmet... not a great combination.)

You have a bad habit of eating your crib. And it makes me want to cry. It was such a beautiful crib... and it only took you 3 mornings to destroy it. This is what your face has looked like the past few mornings. Gross. 
You are still not sleeping through the night. Stinker. It's mostly my fault though, because I don't make you. You're a bit spoiled... but you're still sweet as pie.
You could spend all afternoon in your baby swing that we just hung from the tree in the front yard... and you love to go on bike rides with Mommy and Dom on Mommy's bike... you even know how to ring the bell. (Sometimes you almost make me crash. The bell is attached to the handlebars, and that's a problem when you really get-a-ringin'. Aaaannnd you hate to wear your helmet... not a great combination.)
You have a bad habit of eating your crib. And it makes me want to cry. It was such a beautiful crib... and it only took you 3 mornings to destroy it. This is what your face has looked like the past few mornings. Gross.
You are still not sleeping through the night. Stinker. It's mostly my fault though, because I don't make you. You're a bit spoiled... but you're still sweet as pie.
I love you little guy.
Here's you splashing in the bath... you have such a cute laugh...
Love, Mommy
What a little sweetie! I just want to squeeze him to pieces. When are we meeting up again?? hehe
My heck he is getting soooo big! I can't believe it!
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