Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bon Apetite!

So, yesterday morning... I made Damon eat his own puke.

Uggghhh... Little Stink spewed just minutes after his dose of Prevacid.

Yes, it IS that important. But ewww... what kind of mother DOES that!?

Am I desperate? Sick in the head? Sleep deprieved?

Yes. Maybe. And yes.

But guess what... he ended up having a GREAT day. So, "tsk tsk" if you must, but eating puke isn't so bad. Especially when it's strawberry flavored and makes your tummy feel happy.


Kristen Kohler said...

ha ha, at first I thought you were joking, but that is hilarious. whatever makes him feel good :)

Deborah said...

you are a horrible mother! j/k :) its pretty surprising what happens to our brains with a little lack of sleep.