Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Anniversary to Us!

So this last Tuesday, Rich and I had our 8th anniversary! I cannot believe that I've been married for 8 years, it just blows my mind! It has gone so fast... time flies when you're having fun, eh? I just wanted to take a second to give a shout out to this guy...

Here's just a few reasons why I love my hubby...

  • He makes me laugh. He's serious when he needs to be... but goofy most of the time. Most people don't know this about him, unless you're family or a close friend.

  • He's SUCH a wonderful Dad to our boys. He makes certain that he has one-on-one time with them every day when he gets home from work. After dinner, he heads straight down to the playroom and doesn't emerge for at least 30 minutes to an hour.

  • He's extremely patient... much more patient than I am, I'm afraid. Hmmm... maybe he should stay home with the kiddies.

  • He's the steady rock in our family... as opposed to me... I'm a rollercoaster. Opposites attract, I guess. :)

  • He's sooo great with our finances. (Something I hate to even think about thinking about!)

  • He helps me with the kids.

  • He helps me with the house.

  • He keeps me active and healthy. (Challenges me to workout/eating healthy competitions)

  • He always roots for the underdog.

  • He never, ever raises his voice. (I wish I could claim the same for me.)

  • He's always thinking of ways to improve as a person/couple/father.

  • He's such a hard worker.

  • He's a very positive person.

I could go on and on... but I'll spare y'all. Let's just say, I love this boy. :)


Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's Great to Be Eight!

A couple of weekends ago we were lucky enough to be able to attend our cousin's daughter's baptism. I LOVE going to baptisms. And Hailey is such a sweet girl, her face was so sober and concentrated just before her dad started the prayer... like she was focusing on the commitments she was about to make. What a sweetheart... it, of course, made me tear-up. But that's nothing new. ;) I can pretty much cry on demand.

Here's sweet Hailey (on the right) and her cute little cousin Aubrey, who I also adore. They were able to be baptized on the same day.

We're so proud of you Hailey! Always stay the sweet, thoughtful girl that you are!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bon Apetite!

So, yesterday morning... I made Damon eat his own puke.

Uggghhh... Little Stink spewed just minutes after his dose of Prevacid.

Yes, it IS that important. But ewww... what kind of mother DOES that!?

Am I desperate? Sick in the head? Sleep deprieved?

Yes. Maybe. And yes.

But guess what... he ended up having a GREAT day. So, "tsk tsk" if you must, but eating puke isn't so bad. Especially when it's strawberry flavored and makes your tummy feel happy.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Happy Easter

Our Easter was great this year! Dominic is old enough to get excited about holidays and it makes it so much fun. He found his basket immediately, but had a meltdown because he reeeaaallly needed to eat his beloved bowl of oatmeal before he could focus on anything else. So, here he is... after filling his tummy with yummy goodness. Happy, full, and ready to see what the Easter Bunny left him and Damon.

And here's our little Easter chicky with his basket. Love him.

Dominic was excited about the toys... didn't really know what to do with the eggs until...

...Daddy showed him what was in them.

"Oh Wow."

Here's what the Good 'Ol Bunny wrote in Dom and Dame's cards:

Such a thoughtful bunny.

And here's some more cute pictures just because.
I can never choose which ones to post... so I post them all.
Because I can. ;)

(Dom's 1st pull-back cars. He liked them.)

In between General Conference Sessions, we had our sweet friends, Mandi and Seth and their two munchkins over for barbecue yumminess and an Easter Egg Hunt in our back yard.

The Hunt...

This is Little Jack.

And here's Lily-Lou.

Dominic doesn't care to carry his basket. That's my job.
He also didn't really understand that the goal was to grab as many eggs as he could find, put them in the basket, and THEN eat them.

So he ate as he went.

Here's Seth, Rich, and Dom. Mouths full.

Mandi and Me.

After Conference was over, we headed over to my good friend, Vanessa's house for dinner and another Egg Hunt. Let me just say that this gal knows how to throw a party. Wow! I'm just sorry I didn't bring my camera. Because it was kinda amazing.
There were so many eggs in her back yard, it was incredible. Dom filled another basket full (and this time, he didn't take the time to nibble... he was all business). The food was amazing, delicious, and scrum-diddley-umptious.
There were prizes, games, hula-hoop contests, and water balloon tosses. We had a blast! Vanessa, thank you so much for including our family in your Easter celebration.
We love you!
I hope all your Easters were relaxing, wonderful, and filled with love.