Sunday, October 17, 2010


Today, I was on the phone with my Mom while Rich played on the kitchen floor with Damon. Dame was leaning against the fridge and he turned toward Rich, hesitated, and then took a couple of steps toward him. I ran to my bedroom to grab the camera and was back out in 2.76 seconds. Here's what I captured...

... in the space of 20 minutes, 1-2 steps turned into 6 or 7... and when he falls forward, he can stand back up again on his own! Woowoo!
Way to go Dame... 10 months, 3 weeks, 5 days.

Here's some fancy-first-step-footwork taken especially for the viewing pleasure of Poppies, Mamies, Nanas, Papas, Aunties, and Uncles. :)

P.S. I find it just rude that both my boys decided to take their momentous first steps to their Daddy and not me.

P.P.S. Check out my cute hubby's face in the first video... I love this boy, and the fact that he's so excited about Dame's first steps.

P.S. x's 3... that's water covering Damon's romper, not drool. Learning how to drink from a sippy is not one of Dame's strong points.

P.S. x's 4... Yes, "Yaaaay!" is our favorite word. So what?


The ABC Family said...

WOOOHOOOO Damon! I can't believe you have just taken off like that. What a big boy! :) Love you guys.

Kristen Kohler said...

Way to be quick with the camera!!! I love the pictures!! and the video! and how excited you guys are :)

Amber said...

soo cute! I wish Donny and Damon got to see eachother more! WE miss you guys!