This one. He's 1 year and 4 months. This one is...
...a Mama's boy
an eater. (the kid doesn't stop.)
a life lover.
a little brother.
a passenger.
a cross-dresser.
a fish.
a puppy kisser.
an artist.
an explorer.
a pancake connoisseur.
a lady killer.
a swinger.
a tough guy. (didn't even cry!?)
an un-sitter.
a bubble blower.
a ponderer.
a bather.
a reader.
a hider.
a chum.
a player.
a streaker.
...but most of all, my baby.
Now for the sappy stuff that only mamas and nanas/mamies appreciate...
You are almost a year and a half! You've got SUCH a funny personality. You are stubborn and fiesty (more fiesty than even Dominic at this age... Heaven help us all). You can stop traffic with your high-pitched scream, and when in the throws of a tantrum, I have to physically protect you from yourself. You throw yourself into walls, corners, or on the floor. You hit yourself in the face, flail wildly, and throw anything you can get your little hands on. You are so funny. (At least right now... I have a feeling I won't be laughing at this behavior in a year... and a feeling that it will be worse by then. *sigh*)
You have the most adorable little giggle. It's airy and best described as a "chuckle" or a "quiver". I have yet to catch it on video, and I'm panicking a little that I won't get it before you grow out of it. You are such a great little brother. Dominic adores you. You guys are like two peas in a pod. You follow him around and copy everything he does. Which may or may not be a good thing. You even "spaz" like he does... although it's pretty rare... but when you get extremely excited, there it is. I love it.
You've just recently started pouting when I tell you no (if you don't throw yourself on the floor first). You've got the protruding bottom lip... and you tilt your head downward while looking up at me with big sad/angry eyes. It's really hard not to laugh. What a little charmer you are.
You are in love with Choo-choo trains. Besides Mama and Dada, "choo-choo!" was your first word. You've just in the last month started talking more. I'm positive I'm leaving some out... but you can say "no, choo-choo, mama, momm-eeeee, dada, juice, yumm-eeeee, some, uh-oh, and buh-bye". You love the bath and run straight for it as soon as we take you out of your highchair after dinner. You love to be read to and you enjoy reading books in the car like your big brother. You love to play rough with your daddy and brother. You love to play chase. You love shooting your basket ball. You love your blue silky blankie. You love puppies (oh how you love them!). You love to swim in your pool outside, and you love to slide down the slide.
You HATE shoes. You hate clothes. Putting on either of these results in a tantrum. Usually, you get over the clothes after they're on for a minute or two. The shoes? You never forget they're on your feet. You cry and complain the entire time they're on your feet, and are usually successful in getting at least one of them off (even though I bought you new lace-up ones to stop the constant shoe-tossing). The only time you don't notice them is if you're running around outside. This is the only time you deem them worthy to grace your feet.
You love cheese, yogurt, stroganoff, turkey, goldfish, macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, cream of wheat, oatmeal, and pancakes. You never stop eating. Ever. You are a little tank. You weighed only 4 pounds less than Dominic 2 months ago. By the looks of your ever-expanding waistline... I'm guessing you've got him beat at this point.
I love you sweet little boy. I love your space between your teeth. I love your big blue eyes. I love your round little belly. I love your reddish-blond little combover. You are such a joy sweetheart.
Love, Momm-eeeeeee